These small FILTER-LAB filtration vials are made up of 2 parts: one of them is a piston- shaped cylinder in the lower part of which is embedded a membrane and in its upper part a plug with a septum to puncture the sample with the syringe. The other part is an open cylinder on one side. Pressing fit and pressing these two pieces the sample crosses the membrane and is filtered and prepared to be analyzed. They are available with membranes of PTFE, Nylon and PVDF with pore of 0.2 and 0.45 μm.

Dimensions: 12 mm diameter x 33 mm height
Materials: Poliypropylene, Septa, PTFE and silicone
Sample capacity: 0.48 ml
Filtration capacity: 0.45 ml
Hold-up volume: 0.03 ml
Pressure required for filtration : 8 psi (0.6 bar)
Maximum temperature of use: 50ºC
Membrane material: PTFE, Nylon or PVDF.